Updated version of Jenny Adam's tutorials

Useful Applications and Other Tips

A Few Basic Unix Commands

Hydro Group "Getting Started" Page


Item Listing
Aggregation Scripts
Animated Gifs
Background Running
Back-Up Strategies
Cluster Basics
Debuggers (gdb and ddd)
DHSVM (Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model)
GPROF (code profiler)
GMT (Generic Mapping Tool)
GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)
HTML Programming
IDL (Interactive Data Language)
International Students
Powerpoint to eps for Paper Submission
Remote Access to the System
Remote Access to Email while Travelling
Routing Model
SED (Stream EDitor)
Scripting/Programming Interface
SNOTEL data and processing
Star Office
Updating Presentations/Publication/Seminar Web-Page
Vacation Email
VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) Model
Various Scripts
Internal Data Collection

Aggregation Scripts

Description and Use: General temporal and spatial aggregation scripts.
Location: /usr/local/hydro/build/tools/vic/output/ (If you add this to PATH in yoru ~/.cshrc file, you should not need to make a copy.)
       To aggregate a file of daily records to monthly values, where the 5th field is to be summed instead of averaged:
       agg_time.pl -i -o -sum 5
       To aggregate a file of hourly records to monthly values, where fields 5 and 6 are to be summed instead of averaged:
       agg_time.pl -i -o -in hourly -sum 5,6
       To aggregate a file of 3-hourly records to yearly values, where fields 5 and 6 are to be summed instead of averaged:
       agg_time.pl -i -o -in hourly -out yearly -sum 5,6
       To aggregate the VIC fluxes output files listed in /my_path/result/filelist.txt, where the cell size is half-degree:
       agg_space.pl -i /my_path/result/filelist.txt -r 0.5 -o out_file
       For the same basin, but summing the 5th and 6th fields instead of averaging:
       agg_space.pl -i /my_path/result/filelist.txt -r 0.5 -o out_file -sum 5,6
   For complete usage, just type:
      agg_time.pl -h
      agg_space.pl -h
Contact Ted (tbohn at hydro.washington.edu) with questions.

Animated Gifs

Description and Use: A script for converting files to gif and then using them to create the animation. These can be inserted into a powerpoint presentation like any other gif. When powerpoint is in slide mode, it will animate.
To view the animation from the command line: gifview -a (filename)
Alternately, you can view it from the command line using: animate (filename)


Description and Use: This is a Geographical Information System (GIS) package. We use this mainly to process and visualize spatial data.
How to Run:
   log into one of the PCs
    Select ArcInfo from the Program Menu
   to start the help pages type: help
Using ArcInfo to obtain a DEM (SRTM30) for a basin
   Using Hydro1k to obtain a basin delineation and clipping a DEM with this
Useful Links:
   Various ArcInfo scripts and datasets
   FM 490 Class Notes - Very useful for getting to know GRID commands
   1. DO NOT use any "unusual" symbols in the directory names or file names accessed by ArcInfo, such as spaces or capital letters.
   2. Grids, coverages and other files that have been imported into ArcInfo can only be manipulated within ArcInfo.
   Useful commands include: kill, rename, copy


Description and Use: This is a very useful application that performs various operations to each row of a specified text file. AWK can do many things but with only one file at a time.
How to Run: on the command line or in a shell script
   to print the 8th column of a text file:
      awk '{print $8}' $file_name
   to skip values:
      awk '{if( NR > 100 ) print $1,$2}' $file_name
   to control printing format (same as C):
      awk '{printf("%.2f\t%.2f\n",$1,$2}' $file_name
   to print cumulative sum:
      awk 'BEGIN{sum=0}{sum += $2; plot $1,sum}' $file_name
   to set a value determined using awk to a variable within a script:
      set value = `awk 'NR==5{print $1}' $file_name`
   to exchange a space for a slash field separator:
      awk 'BEGIN { FS="/"}; {print $1 " " $2 " " $3}' $file_name
   to count the number of active cells in an ascii arcinfo-style grid:
      awk '{if(NR==1)ncols=$2;if(NR==6)nodata=$2;if(NR>6)for(i=1;i<=ncols;i++)if($i!=nodata)n++}END{print n}' $file_name
A few things to know:
   $8 denotes the eighth column
   $0 prints the entire line
   NR is the line number
   NF is the number of columns
   FS is the field separator
   the general form is: awk 'BEGIN{...}{...}END{...}' $file_name
   Apostrophes protect an external variable within AWK. e.g. '$count'
Useful Links:
Bruce Barnett's tutorial

Background Running

Description: You may want to run a process in the background. For example,
   you can do this if you want a process to continue running and you want to log out of the machine.
There are two ways to do this:
   1. place an ampersand (&) after the script/program when calling it, e.g. "run_getdata.scr &"
   2. the following also works:
      a. call the program without the ampersand, e.g. "run_getdata.scr"
      b. temporarily suspend the process using Ctrl Z (Note: Ctrl C permanantly cancels a process).
      c. type "bg" - now your process is running in the background - it starts where it left off.
      d. if you want to bring it back to the foreground, type "fg" in the
      same window where the process was called or type "fg" followed by process id number.

Back-Up Strategies

This information is designed to complement Paul's back-up page
Summary: Some drives are backed-up onto tape, which means if the drive fails,
   you will be able to access those files from tape.
Drives that are backed-up: Your home directory (on dynamic) and most of the usr1 drives
Drives that are NOT backed-up: All of the raid drives, the drives on the
   windows machines (including SAMBA), and some of the usr1 drives
   For example, /nfs/pluto/usr1 is not backed-up. To test if
   a usr1 drive is backed-up, log into the system (i.e. ssh pluto)
   and type, "ls /usr1"
   If the drive is not backed-up, you will get a message such as,
   In this case, you must use a different drive to store things you want to be backed-up to tape.
   You may want to double-check with our system administrator to confirm positively if a particular
   drive is backed-up.
What should be backed-up? The majority of your data should remain unbacked-up on the raid drives
   You should place all scripts, programs, readme files, word
   documents, powerpoint files, etc.. on a drive that is backed-up, plus
   any other files that took a considerable amount of YOUR effort to create. A good
   example is a corrected flow direction file. Data downloaded from
   the internet or that can be easily re-created from your backed-up scripts
   and programs do not need to exist on a backed-up drive.
Strategies: There are two strategies that people have used to make sure their programs and scripts remain backed-up
   Strategy 1: All original scripts and programs are created on the usr1 drives and exist there only
      and are written so that the file names to the input and output data include
      the paths to the raid drive where the data exist. The advantage to this strategy is that
      you never have to think about performing a
      back-up procedure and so your most recent scripts are always backed-up.
      The disadvantage is that if the usr1 drive goes bad, you have to access the tape to get your files,
      which can be a nightmare - for stories, talk to Andy!
   Strategy 2: All processing is done from the raid drive of your computer and all original programs and scripts are
      created there along with the data. The usr1 drive is used to mirror the file structure
      of the raid drive and all programs, scripts, readmes and other important files are copied into
      this file structure. This can be done easily using a processing script.
      For example, here is an automated script that I use. This script takes a few minutes to run:
      it re-creates the entire raid file structure on usr1 and copies over key files and scripts.
      The advantage to this method is that all of the key files exist on two directories simultaneously,
      so if one drive goes, you can get the files from the other. The disadvantage is that you have
      to remember to run your script from time to time or you will risk losing most recent additions.

Cluster Basics

Basic Information can be found in a powerpoint created by Joanna Gaski (jgaski at hydro.washington.edu),
    entitled "cluster_talk.pdf" which can be obtained from her home directory (i.e. ~jgaski/cluster_talk.pdf).

Parallel Processing: how to compile and run a parallel process on flood:
   see Kostas (kostas at hydro.washington.edu) for more information.
   1) MPI program:
      Set the MPICH (MPI implementation) root directory to
      and add the library and include file paths in your .cshrc file. For example:
         setenv MPICH_ROOT /usr/local/x86_64/mpich127/pgi-ch-p4
         setenv INC_MPI ${MPICH_ROOT}/include
         setenv LIB_MPI ${MPICH_ROOT}/lib
         setenv PATH ${PATH}:${MPICH_ROOT}/bin
      Compile your program using either "mpicc" or "pgcc":
         mpicc -o your_program your_program.c
         pgcc -I$MPICH_ROOT/include -L$MPICH_ROOT/lib -o your_program
         your_program.c -lmpich
      Run your program with "mpirun":
         mpirun -np NUM your_program
         where NUM is the number of nodes you are going to use
   2) OpenMP program:
      Compile your program with "pgcc":
         pgcc -mp -o your_program your_program.c
         the "-mp" switch enables the OpenMP directives.
      Before you run your program you need to set an environment variable for
         the number of threads your program will use:
            setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS NUM
         where NUM is the number of threads (4 processors on each node for FLOOD).
         You can use NUM>4, the system will give you a warning message.
      Then run your program as usual, no additional arguments necessary.
   3) Hybrid MPI/OpenMP program
      Compile using "pgcc":
         pgcc -mp -I$MPICH_ROOT/include -L$MPICH_ROOT/lib -o your_program
         your_program.c -lmpich
      and run using "mpirun":
         mpirun -np NUM your_program
      Don't forget to set the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

Debuggers (gdb and ddd)

Description and Use: Can be useful in debugging programs.
How to Run:
   1. compile the program in debugger mode:
      gcc -g -o (executable) (program.c)
   2. start the debugger:
      gdb (executable)
   3. type "run" at the prompt
Useful Links:
Debugging with GDB
   Debugging with DDD

DEM (digital elevation model) - SRTM30

Description: We have the global dataset processed into 27 pieces (ArcInfo format)
   The original data can be downloaded from

Directions to obtain DEM data for a single basin:
   step 1. choosing the pieces. Here's how the pieces are broken up (see map):
      parts 1 through 9 are rectangular going from west to east starting at -180
      to +180 (i.e. 40 degrees of longitude from west to east) and span from 40
      degrees north to 90 north (i.e. 50 degrees of latitude from north to
      south). similarly parts 10 through 18 span from 10 south to 40 north
      (with the same longitude dimension as parts 1 through 9) and parts 19
      through 27 span from 60 south to 10 south (with the same longitude
      dimensions as parts 1 through 9).
      So, find out what the rough dimensions of your basin are, then you can copy
      over just those pieces into your own directory.
      For example, if you want part 14, you will do the following command.
      First enter into the directory that you want to copy the file, then enter
      the following:
      cp /nfs/therapy/raid/jenny/global/dem/srtm30/part14_30.arc.gz .
      step 2. unzip the files
      gzip -d part14_30.arc.gz
      step 3. start Arc/Info
      you can get some directions for this on at the tutorial web-page:
      step 4. import the images (for each part you copied over), e.g.
      asciigrid part14_30.arc part14
      step 5. merge them together in the GRID module
      here are the following commands:
      basin_big = merge ( part14 , part15 , part16 )
      where "basin_big" is the name of your output file, and part14, 15, and 16
      are the parts you want to merge.
      If there's only one part, then you don't do this step.
      step 6. clip this file to a smaller box around the basin.
      you will also do this in the GRID module.
      gridclip basin_big basin_small BOX xmin ymin xmax ymax
      where you will need to specify xmin, ymin, xmax, and ymax for a box that
      encloses the your basin.
      if you want, you can also clip the file to be exactly that of your basin
      delineation. to do this, you will need an arc/info coverage that has the
      basin outline, e.g. via this page.
      step 7. export from arc/info
      quit out of the grid module by typing "quit" or "q"
      then type:
      gridascii basin_small basin_dem_box.asc
      the result is a 30-arc second dem called basin_dem_box.asc. You can use
      this for various procedures such as creating a snowbands file, and setting
      up your routing network.

DHSVM (Distributed Hydrology Soil Vegetation Model)

Description and Use: DHSVM is the small-scale hydrology research model used in this lab.
Useful Links:
DHSVM Homepage


NOTE: As far as I can tell, Ferret is not currently available on Hydro system. Talk to Joanna if you need to have it installed.

Description and Use: Visualization package for NetCDF files. Can be used to plot spatial and time series slices of multi-dimensional data. Can also do averaging and other mathematical calculations over all dimensions and produce output postscript files.

How to Run:
   log into gen: ssh gen
   Your gen/default path variable must include: /usr/local/ferret/bin/

   First time use: run Finstall to set ferret_paths:
   run by typing: Finstall
   The following will appear on your screen:

   Enter your choice:
   (1) Install executables, (2) Customize 'ferret_paths', (3) Exit and do nothing (1,2, or 3) --> SELECT 2

   Setup ferret_paths...

   The environment variable FER_DIR is currently defined as
   /usr/local/ferret. This is the directory where the 'fer_environment'
   tar file was installed.
   Is that correct and acceptable (y/n) [y] SELECT YES

   The environment variable FER_DSETS is currently defined as
   /usr/local/ferret. This is the directory where the 'fer_dsets'
   tar file was installed.
   Is that correct and acceptable (y/n) [y] SELECT YES

   Enter the complete path of the directory where you want to place
   the newly created 'ferret_paths' file, for example, '/usr/local'.
   desired 'ferret_paths' location -->
   PERSONAL PATH, e.g. I USE /nfs/dynamic/home/lxb/utilities/

   Enter your choice:
   (1) Install executables, (2) Customize 'ferret_paths', (3) Exit and
   do nothing (1,2, or 3) --> SELECT 3

   /* Source your new ferret_paths file: */
   % source (your input direvtory from above)/ferret_paths

   /* You are now ready to run ferret and have access to sample datasets, etc.

run: ferret
to get a list of commands type: show commands
example commands:
   to load a file: use (filename).nc
   list variables in currently loaded files: show data
   set dimensions for viewing: set region/i=1:NCOLS/j=1:NROWS/k=1
   (i.e. this sets the dimesnions to be for the entire domain, for the first time step)
   plot a spatial plot to the screen: shade (variable name)
   plot a line graph to the screen: plot (variable name)[i=1:NCOLS@ave]
   (i.e. this creates a line graph of "variable name" vs latitude averaged over all columns of longitude)
   exit: quit

Useful links:
Ferret Homepage, in particular the version 5.22 user's guide


Description and Use: file transfer
Anonymous FTP: ftp ftp://ftpsite/
Password FTP: ftp ftp://username:password@ftpsite/
   ls, cd (to list or change directories)
   get, mget (to download single or multiple files)
   put, mput (to upload single or multiple files)
   exit or bye
Useful Links:
Paul's Getting Started Page
   Our FTP Site
   located at: /nfs/dynamo/ftp/pub/.

GPROF (code profiler)

Description and Use: can be used to tell where the time sinks in your code are.

To use the GPROF code profiler ("gprof" at the command line):

1. Compile the code with the "-pg" option (you can set this in a makefile or on
    the command line, e.g., gcc -pg -o code code.c)
2. Run the executable as normal (can be a link to the executable, and
    can take arguments),
    e.g., vicNl -g globalfile
3. This creates a binary output file with the executable name and
    extension .gmon or something similar, e.g., vicNl.gmon
4. Type gprof (executable name only) and redirect the output to a file.
    This reads the binary file and translates it to something readable.
    For example,
       gprof vicNl > log # vicNl is the executable name

the most interesting part is probably down after the words "flat profile"
which, after giving some definitions, lists the time sink routines in order.
(contact Andy for more info: AWW-20050809)

GMT (Generic Mapping Tool)

Description and Use: This is a mapping tool as well as an analysis tool. Most of the figures created in this lab were done using GMT.
If you sit at a Linux machine, you need to add the following GMT paths to your .cshrc file: (for csh or tsch users)
   open up your .cshrc file: xemacs ~/.cshrc
   paste in the following information:
      setenv NETCDFHOME /usr/local/i386/netcdf
      setenv GMTHOME /usr/local/gmt
      set path=(/usr/local/i386/bin $path)
   After make the changes, either source this file (source ~/.cshrc) or open up a new window.
Also, for all users, add the following as a browser bookmark:
How to Run:
   Create a script using a text editor (such as Xemacs): xemacs (file_name)
   make the script executable: chmod +x (file_name)
   enter the name of the script to run it
   use ghostscript or ghostview to view the output postscript file:
      gs (file.ps)
      ghostview (file.ps)
Various Plotting Examples related to Hydrology
    GMT4 script for plotting time-series (Andy's)
    Script for plotting time-series with positive anomalies in red and negative anomalies in blue (Nathalie's)
About K's and O's: Remember that -k (continue) goes in all gmt commands except the last, -o (overlay) goes in all gmt commands except the first.
Useful Links:
   Other Useful GMT scripts
   GMT Homepage - this page has an excellent tutorial

GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)

Description and Use: A freeware GIS product
Beware: Not sure we have this on the system currently.
How to Run: Type "grass5" at the command prompt - you may need to type "rehash" first.
Useful Links:
GRASS Homepage

HTML Programming

Description and Use: Web pages can be created using a variety of software packages (including Word and SOffice), but can also be done in any text editor (xemacs).
Useful Links:
HTML Colors
   UW: Creating a Student Web Page
   HTML character set
   More HTML characters
   more HTML info

IDL (Interactive Data Language)

Description and Use: Analysis and visualization of spatial data (very powerful for remote sensing analysis)
Note: we do not currently seem to have this on the system Useful Links:
IDL Homepage

International Students

Description: This is intended to be specific information to help out our international students.
   To include more items, I need to hear from you.
Item 1: Regardless of what you hear, IF you have been registered full-time
   for the previous Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters,
   you only need to register for 2 credits during the summer!


Description and Use: Document Preparation
How to Run: Type "latex" at the command line.
Useful Links:
LaTeX Homepage
   LaTeX Tutorial


Description and Use: Mathematics, statistics, data processing, plotting, etc...
How to Run: You can run matlab remotely through the CE network or atmospheric science network
   if you have an account on either of those systems.
   Historically, the following CE computers have had Matlab: titan, prometheus, phocus, and pandora. Also, the CE PCs in the grad student lab probably have it.
Hydrology Example
      This is a script Jenny wrote for some research that includes regressions, plotting, statistics, looping, etc...
Useful Links:
   Matlab Homepage


Description and Use: Octave is an open-source math/statistics software with a
    syntax very similar to Matlab. It can usually run Matlab scripts and
    functions with very little to no modifications. Its graphics capabilities
    are based on GnuPlot, so it doesn't compare very well to Matlab's graphics.
How to Run: type "octave", then use the usual matlab commands.
For example,
    > x=normal_rnd(0,1,1000,1); % generate Gaussian random numbers
    > plot(x,'g;Data Series;') % plot the data series with green color and Data Series legend
    > gset nokey % get rid of the legend
    > c=polyfit(1:length(x),x',2); % fit a 2nd order polynomial
    > hold on
    > plot(c,'b;Trendline;') % and plot it as a blue line
    > clearplot
   > closeplot
Main page
   - Documentation
   - This page contains many toolboxes
       not available in the standard Octave package, e.g. Signal Processing, Symbolic Math etc..
   - Octave-Matlab compatibility database
   - Octave tutorial
For more info: talk to Kostas (kostas at hydro.washington.edu).
Example Script: Kostas' code for Seasonal Mann-Kendall Trend Test and Maronna-Yohai Bivariate Test
   (see Lettenmaier et al. 1994 for descriptions of both)
      1. put the archive in a directory
      2. untar: tar xzf smk.tar.gz
      3. install: ./install.sh
      4. start octave
      5. usage: if you have a time series vector x, [t,b]=mk(x) and
      [t,b]=smk(x) will give you the test statistic and the magnitude of the
      trend for the standard and seasonal MK test respectively.
      The Maronna-Yohai bivariate test can be used as [t,b]=maronnayohai(x) (results for this are untested)


Description and Use: A powerful and general scripting language: highly portable, reads binary and ascii data, can work with multiple files, very flexible, many uses.
How to Run:
   The script must have the following on the first line: #!/usr/bin/perl
Hydrology Example
Useful Links:
   Perl Homepage
   CPAN - includes tutorials, scripts, source code, etc...

Powerpoint to eps for Paper Submission

Description: You can prepare a figure for paper submission entirely in a GMT script.
   On the other hand, you may want to add various additions to the figure using powerpoint (such as text labels, etc.)
   Alan has found a simple solution to prepare these "hybrid" images for publicaton,
   i.e. the journals prefer high quality images, such as *.eps
Here are Alan's comments and directions for this procedure:
   I've recently been making many "hybrid" pictures with Powerpoint using
   multiple GMT-generated ps images imported as bitmaps, interspersed with
   text boxes or other powerpoint generated graphics. These work very well
   for presentations, but the downside is that when used for papers it's
   difficult to get acceptable quality when converting to other image formats
   such as tiff or eps that the journals insist on. The alternative is to
   remake all the figures in GMT (or a similar application). This works
   well, but is very time consuming if the figure has a large number of
   panels and labels.
   So anyway I wanted to find a way to get a decent eps image from
   powerpoint. I think I have a way that works pretty well:
   1) print each powerpoint slide to the tektronix 740 printer redirecting
   the output to a file (this produces a postscript file with some extra
   bells and whistles in the beginning)
   2) open this postscript file in gsview and use PStoEPS (from the file
   menu) to convert to an eps file.
   The resulting eps file will display in gsview, acrobat distiller will turn
   it into a pdf file, and you can print it directly from gsview.
   So far I haven't been able to insert the resulting eps file in Word and
   have it print (I think the extra printer instructions are causing
   problems), but this is not necessary when sending image files to a
   journal, of course. For inserting in Word, I usually just copy and paste
   (as a picture) directly from Powerpoint to Word.
   To make a black and white image, use the xerox 3450 printer driver in step
   1 above.


Description and Use: a statistics package
How to Run: type "R"on the command line
more information
Useful Links:
    R Primer

Scripting/Programming Interface

Description and Use: Shell scripts can be used to simplify complex processes by calling individual programs.
How to Run:
   Create a script using a text editor (such as Xemacs): xemacs (file_name)
   The script must have something like the following on the first line: #!/bin/tcsh
   make the script executable: chmod +x (file_name)
   enter the name of the script to run it
   remember that before calling a program, the program must be compiled. In C, this can be done as follows:
      gcc -lm -o (executable_name) (program.c) -Wall
      In this example, -lm includes the mathematics library, -o specifies executable name, and -Wall causes all warnings to be listed.
      Fortran: f77 to compile, also f95 accesses the NAG f95 compiler
Hydrology Example

SNOTEL data and processing

See /usr/local/hydro/data/snotel/README.txt.
SNOTEL data is archived in this directory, but proceed with caution. Ted tells me that the scripts for parsing this data into VIC-style timeseries format are not really accurate due to the fact that there is no placeholder for missing data points in the original snotel files.
You would need to update the script get_snotel_timeseries.pl which allows you to query for all SNOTEL sites that match your criteria (based on lat/lon range, station name, state, elevation, start/end dates) and produces timeseries for all stations that match.
   Contact Ted (tbohn at hydro.washington.edu) if you have questions.

Star Office

Description and Use: the Unix version of Microsoft Office
How to Run: type "soffice" on the command line
Note: If you get an error trying to open soffice, try removing the star office directories, then repeat the initialization.
Futher Note: On newer systems, type "ooffice".

Updating Web-Sites for Presentations, Publications, and Group Seminar

Description: Whenever you give a presentation or submit a paper, you need to update the appropriate web-site.
   (for more information, contact Nathalie: nathalie at hydro.washington.edu )
WARNING!!! Never Never open up this html document with any software other than
   a simple text editor such as xemacs, emacs, pico, or vi.
    Do not use any browsers, word, soffice, etc... to edit this page. If you do so,
   you stand a very good chance of corrupting the file. You only need
   to know very simple html programming to edit the file, so there
   are absolutely no excuses.

For Presentations (for occasions other than our group seminar)
   Step 1: log into dynamic
   Step 2: go to the directory: "cd /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/"
   Step 3: cp the document to a back-up copy: "cp presentations.php presentations.php.bak"
   Step 4: edit the file presentations.php using a simple text editor
   Step 5: make sure that when you are done with the file, people still have
      permission to edit the file (type "ls -l presentations.php")
      the permission should still be for all users - if it's not, you need to make it so:
      "chmod a+w presentations.php"
   Step 6: copy the presentation into the appropriate directory:
      e.g. /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/Presentations/2009/.
      if the presentation took place in 2009. Follow the naming standard: lastname_subject_conference_monYY.ppt
      for example: wood_wfcst_GEWEX_jun06.ppt
      (try to abbreviate where possible to avoid superlong filenames)

For Publications
   Step 1: log into dynamic
   Step 2: go to the directory: "cd /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/"
   Step 3: cp the document to a back-up copy: "cp publications.php publications.php.bak"
   Step 4: edit the file using a simple text editor
   Step 5: make sure that when you are done with the file, people still have
      permission to edit the file (type "ls -l publications.php")
      the permission should still be for all users - if it's not, you need to make it so:
      "chmod a+w publications.php"
   Step 6: for submitted manuscripts, copy the pdf-format file into the appropriate directory:
      e.g. /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/Publications/.
      Once the paper has been published, you must move the citation from "Papers in review/press" to "2009", and remove the pdf from any public (www, public_html) folders.

For Group Seminar
   Step 1: log into dynamic
   Step 2: go to the directory: "cd /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/CurrentResearch"
   Step 3: cp the document to a back-up copy: "cp HydroSeminar_2008_2009.php HydroSeminar_2008_2009.php.bak"
   Step 4: edit the file HydroSeminar_2008_2009.php using a simple text editor
   Step 5: make sure that when you are done with the file, people still have
      permission to edit the file (type "ls -l HydroSeminar_2008_2009.php")
      the permission should still be for all users - if it's not, you need to make it so:
      "chmod a+w HydroSeminar_2008_2009.php"
   Step 6: copy the presentation into the appropriate directory:
      e.g. /nfs/dynamic/usr/local/www/data/Lettenmaier/CurrentResearch/HydroSeminar/2009/.
      if the presentation took place in 2009. Follow the naming standard: lastname_subject_hydroseminar_monYY.ppt
      for example: adam_arctrend_hydroseminar_may06.ppt
      (try to abbreviate where possible to avoid superlong filenames)

Vacation Email

Description: While you are on vacation, there is an automated response
   to any incoming messages. It states that you are out of email contact.
Step 1: create a file called ".forward"
   It should look something like this:
   \jenny, "|vacation jenny"
Step 2: create a file called ".vacation.msg"
   It should look something like this:
   From: jenny@hydro.washington.edu (Jennifer Adam)
   Subject: away from my mail
   I am away from my email until Monday, April. 18. I will respond asap after that date.
Step 3: In the command line on dynamic type, "vacation -I"
Step 4: When you return from vacation, disable the automated response.
   You can do this with the following command, "mv .forward .forward.vacation"
   To enable it again, you would type, "mv .forward.vacation .forward"

VIC (Variable Infiltration Capacity) Model

Description and Use: VIC is the large-scale hydrology research model used in this lab.
Useful Links:
VIC Homepage, in particular VIC as a Nine-Step Process

Various Scripts (added by request)

Note: for our internal collection of scripts, see:
   /usr/local/hydro/build/tools/. for tools and
   /usr/local/hydro/utils/ for smaller utilities

Internal Data Collection (added by request)

Note: for our internal collection of data, see:
   Currently there are data specific to VIC, DHSVM, PRISM and SNOTEL data.

Liz Clark
Last modified: Fri Jul 24 15:37:45 PDT 2009